At Macha, we work as a co-active collective endeavour and actively challenge dichotomous and binary modes of thinking. We plan to publish two publications per year: one historical or apex of career, and one emerging poet from within a wide range of concern and practice. We also plan to promote the appreciation, performance and recognition of the endeavour of both emerging and recovered poets to the local community and beyond.
We would like to invite you to consider joining our endeavour as Subscriber, Supporter or by making a donation to the press. More information on each level of support is provided below. For any further questions please email info@machapress.com.
Thank You for Your Donation
Padraig O’Tuama
Nuala Kirk
Connie Voisine
Luke Morgan
Michael Boyle
Paul Casey
Grainne Tobin
Felicia McCarthy
Donnacha Kirk
Dean Fee
Nessa O’Mahony
Simone Marcenaro
Philip Coleman
Lesley Tohill
Angela Graham
Eamonn Wall
Milena Williamson
Kit Fryatt
Geraldine Mitchell
Ruth Carr
David Torrans
Mary Farrell
Katie Sjuts
Shauna Paull
Emily Grondahl
Rachel Robinson
Thérèse Kieran
Mary O'Donnell
Anne Tannam
Maura Johnston
Dylan Brennan
Emer McAree
Lucy Collins
Hilary Downey
Sharon Zolper
Mary O’Malley
Megan Grehan
Dónall Billings
Paddy Meskell
Angela Carr
Frankie Sewell